Meaningful MVP with Lean Validation – TOPdesk

Which features are necessary, and which are just fluff? Meaningful MVP with Lean Validation helps us learn this with our audience.

We can test almost anything
without having to build a product.

Workshop: Meaningful MVP with Lean Validation

21 June 2023, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Here, we put the ‘work’ in ‘workshop.’ We discuss meaningful MVP, then get into some Character Mapping. Then, we do some free-writing in character to resonate emotionally with our available research data. Before our break, we define our value propositions and LOFA’s.

After that, we talk about Lean Validation before designing an experiment of our own. We finish off this workshop by starting to build the experiment, before each team presents their work.

Cover photo by Azadeh Shirzad


Meaningful MVP with Lean Validation - TOPdesk - Cover Slide - The Greatness Studio

👉 Download the slides here (PDF)

Character Map Canvas

Lean Validation Cheat Sheet
