Creative Empathy for Humanity – MDD Intro 2021

As designers, we have a powerful role in shaping the world around us. That’s why it’s so important for us to work with empathy.

And while it can seem mysterious or magical, empathy is more like a muscle. That’s why anyone, including you, can train and develop it!

Creative Empathy helps us design for people, not ‘users.’

Workshop: MDD Intro 2021 – Creative Empathy for Humanity

Master Digital Design Intro Week 2021
30 August 2021, Amsterdam NL

We’re going old-school for this one: no screens or slides. We’re starting with the core concepts of Creative Empathy. Then we’re doing empathy exercises from mindfulness and acting, together.

We close with a discussion on design ethics and how empathy fosters human connection.


2021 Creative Empathy for Humanity - Master Digital Design - Click here for the slides

👉 Download the slides here (PDF)

Character Map Canvas (PDF)

Ethical Design Checklist (PDF)


Creative Empathy

Creative Empathy Logo - An icon lightbulb with a shining heart inside

Creative Empathy is a toolkit for connecting with people’s deepest needs in any creative project.

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