Ethical Questions for Responsible Design – TU/e Town Hall 2020

TU/e Town Hall
17 January 2020, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Heroes empower people; villains exploit them.

As designers and developers in tech, we’re the ones building the world around ourselves. With tech deeply embedded in our hospitals, banks, roads, and governments, the choices we make profoundly affect people’s lives.

This talk proposes a simple framework for everyday decision-making in favor of ethical design. We’ll cover real examples of why this is important and tangible ways to be heroes instead of villains.

Ethical Design Framework

Ethical Design Framework - Ethical Design protects people's rights, safety, privacy, and experience. This is adapted from's Ethical Design Manifesto.
Ethical Design protects people’s rights, safety, privacy, and experience.


Heroes & Villains - Ethical Questions for Responsible Design

👉 Download the slides here (PDF)

✅ Get the Ethical Design Checklist


Special thanks to Panos Markopoulos