Aliens, Dinosaurs, and the Future of UX – USI Symposium 2017

While technology constantly changes, human nature stays constant. So while our relationship with technology evolves, we can use empathy, emotion, and ethics to build a better future of UX.

Evolving technology makes our humanity more important than ever.

Opening Keynote – Aliens, Dinosaurs, and the Future of UX

User-System Interaction Symposium 2017
28 June 2017, Eindhoven University of Technology


SketchNotes USI Symposium 2017 by Banaz Palani
Sketchnotes by Banaz Palani


👉 Download the slides here (PDF)

Aliens, Dinosaurs, and the Future of User Experience

See Also

My Life In Monsters: Meet the Animator Behind Star Wars and Jurassic Park – Vice